Casita Coaching offers the following training courses:
Companies and institutions are placing increasing demands on professionalization and want to create real added value for the customer. Due to the need for reflection on the profession, intervision is a very suitable method to work on your professional quality. Intervision is also an excellent tool for personal development and even organizational development. Experience has shown that the quality of intervision is highly dependent on the quality of the facilitator.
How to do intervision
Intervision takes place with a number of colleagues in the organization. It is about structured reflection on concrete work situations. The focus is on increasing your personal effectiveness, examining your professional views and enriching your action repertoire.
The core of the peer review process is the case study of the participants in small groups (approximately six to eight participants). One of the participants submits a practical work-related case, the other participants ask questions to gain more in-depth knowledge.
The group has a facilitator who chairs the session and monitors the quality of the intervision process: the type of questions being asked and possible underlying assumptions of the participants. With the result that the person whose case has been discussed goes home with valuable advice from her/his colleagues.
Training to become an intervision facilitator
A group of employees within your organization is trained to facilitate intervision sessions with their colleagues. The aim is to teach them the principles of intervision and the preconditions required for setting up an intervision group. This is done on a learning-by-doing basis: a combination of theory and hands-on participation in a number of intervision rounds in which different methodologies are used. The participants learn what is important in conducting the sessions. They practice their respective roles as participant and as facilitator.
After the training participants have built confidence to facilitate regular intervision sessions with their colleagues, thereby enhancing the quality of their joint services.
You can request more information via the contact form.
Culture is an integral part of who we are and how we communicate with each other.
Working in a multicultural and/or international context requires employees to have knowledge and skills in the field of effective communication and functioning. The Diversity in the Workplace training introduces you to the influence of culture on our perception of events and the way we communicate these. You develop the competences that contribute to better collaboration, that is not only more pleasant, but also more successful.
For whom
Professionals who work with people from different cultures
- Recognizing cultural differences
• The influence of culture on people
• The influence of culture on organizations and the approach to work
• Building trust between cultures
• Core competencies for working across cultural boundaries
• Communication and culture
As a care provider or as a team leader you deal with people from multiple cultural backgrounds. Sometimes we not only speak a different language, our respective cultures also differ.
Understanding cultural differences (ánd similarities!) and different forms of communication has a positive effect on the relationship with your colleagues and your clients. That is why during this interactive workshop we discuss our own cultural values and those of others, based on our own experience.
After the training you will have more insight into your own norms and values , you will have tools to bridge cultural differences and apply these in your work.
In addition to the above training options, Casita Coaching offers tailor-made training courses that suit the particular situation of your organization. You can request more information via the contact form.