About Casita Coaching
Janet Rodenburg
Life has made me to what I am today: career & life coach, with international and intercultural work and living experience, inquisitive and empathic. As such I am in the position to connect with people with a ‘hybrid identity’: people who live their lives in countries in which they are, at times, still seen as not fully belonging. Culture informs us about who we are and where we come from. If you don’t know where you come from, you will not know where to go. Perhaps that is the reason why some of us get lost.
About ‘Casita’
The house in which I live was called ‘Casita’ at the time it was built in the 1920s. (Casita is the Spanish word for ‘small house’.) The owner at the time, a novelist, had a small wooden house constructed in the backyard in which she retreated to devote herself to writing. Recently the building has been replaced by a more solid and comfortable garden house. This is where Casita Coaching is located, a place where every visitor should feel at home.
Casita represents ‘home coming’. It also symbolises security and protection: a roof over your head. My approach as a coach is characterised by safety and attention on the one hand and confrontation and surprise on the other hand. Only when there is a safe environment people dare to let go and try something new. A safe environment is created by acknowledging you and your questions without judging.